Classified Ads Will Move Online…It's Just a Matter of Time

Newspaper vs. Internet Classified Ads

The newspaper classified ad above cost $50, the Internet ad cost nothing...enough said? There's more. Here are some more advantages:
* Searchable (some services offer field-based searching)
* Pictures
* Advertiser ratings/feedback (some services)
* Email forwarding maintains the advertiser's anonymity
* Users can save a list of favorite ads (some services)
* No paper, printing or delivery costs
These are some of the more common capabilities available through Internet classified ad services. Once you've used Internet classified ads, you will instantly see the advantages. Newspapers still have critical mass and momentum, and not all users have Internet connectivity, but the trend is clearly against the printed editions of newspapers. This is not to say that newspapers will go away, but more and more their classified ads will go online!
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